Life lessons from my Grandpa who lived a healthy and full filling life of 95 years…

2 min readJan 24, 2021

Three years had passed after my grandfather was passed at the age of 95 but the memories of him are still not passed away. The things I can admire about him for his fulfilling healthy life are...

Take care of yourself first!

Whenever he gets up after sitting in the ground he usually checks whether there is a spillage of water around. This small act ensures that he couldn’t get slipped in his old age. As older people tend to slip in Indian home conditions and even my grandma was a victim to fall which made the last years of her life in bedridden.
I could understand from this that no matter whatsoever, we need to take care of ourself first. After all, if you don’t care about you meticulously then how could you care about others!

Engage Yourself in doing something ‘Ikigai’

My grandfather has always routine of doing somethings such as checking accounts, working with astrological charts, reading newspaper and magazines at his old ages and that makes him live healthy up to the age of 95 even without wearing specs for reading. After having breakfast on every day he starts a task which made his life lively & engaging.
I could say he is a good example for this quote that ‘Get busy living or Get busy dying’ from Shawshank redemption movie.

Share your Experiences especially Failures.
He always gives a lot of advice and shares his experiences especially the Failures that he faced and the reason for that. Failures are not only the stepping stone of our success but it also helps others to reach their success quickly.

In general, we could learn a lot from failures and it’s wise to learn the mistakes as did by others.

Just live the moment!
Even though my grandfather gives a lot of advice to others, in my opinion, he didn’t spend his time worrying about others.
We may give a lot of advice to others but the truth is we can’t change others and there is no point in only worrying just about others. So Just live the moment and enjoy the last life as you wish.




A Human being like you with a wish “May all beings live happily”